Фотовыставка в Хайдельберге

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Фотовыставка в Хайдельберге  

Симферополь – город пользы, конструктор, копилка, коллекционер. Столица Крыма, удобно расположившаяся на перекрестках истории с различным летоисчислением. Официально 228 лет, а метрически начиная с III в.до н.э. это Неаполь Скифский. Далее золотоордынский Керменчик и Ак-Мечеть. Скифы и тавры, Крымское ханство и Российская империя – твердый замес времени со своими перекосами и сквозняками. Это все один полис.

Я здесь вырос и живу. Город как любое пространство меня сформировал. В ответ пытаюсь зафиксировать его мимолетность, пограничность, аутентичность, не равновесие. Степной ветер и долгая осень, дома на вырост и узкие улочки, уснувшие памятники и танцующие ворота. Ведь Симфи это ворота Крыма. Восток и Запад в одной горстке земли. К нему привыкаешь быстро. Летом он тенист, зимой – мимолетен. «Пройдусь по Абрикосовой, сверну на Виноградную» – поется в песне про мой город. Не смотря на свою пестроту и отстраненность, он к каждому дружелюбен. Его разношерстные жители как перекати-поле дополняют строгий пейзаж. В этом месте понимаешь, что время это покой и бесконечность. И лишь весной посмотришь в небо с Петровских скал, где раньше стоял Неаполь Скифский и увидишь, как возвращаются с зимовки перелетные птицы в родные края.


без названия, 2008г

Дети войны, 9 мая, день Победы, 2002г

Дороги, 2012г

День Святого Валентина, гериатрический пансионат, 2012г

Местный телеканал, гериатрический пансионат, 2012г

Оптовый рынок, 2004г

Продажа меда, 2011г

без названия, 2010г

За Победу, 9 мая, 2010г

Осеняя ярмарка, 2011г



Тел.: 8 050 442 07 56


Фотограф 5-го разряда с 28-летним опытом работы.

2006-2008 – фоторедактор журнала «Эксперт. Украина» (г.Киев).

2003 -2006 – возглавлял фото-службу журнала «Профиль» (г.Киев).

На сегодняшний день фотокорреспондент по Крыму фото-агенства PHL(г.Киев)


Родился в 1967 году в г. Симферополе, Крым.

Окончил  училище по классу фотодело (1985г., 5 разряд).


129 обложек журналов «Наш», «Эксперт-Украина», «Профиль», «Тайм-аут», «Комментарии», «10дней», «Международный туризм» «М-клуб», «Крымская Ривьера», «Киев City», «Вся неделя», «ШО», «BOSS».

Сотрудничал и печатался в следующих изданиях:

 «GQ» (Москва), «FHM», «Foto&video» , «5,6», «Playboy», Т3, «Digital Photo&Video Camera», «DFoto», «XXL», «Man»,«Наш», «Эксперт-Украина», «Профиль», «Телекритика», «BOSS»,

«Тайм-аут», «Деньги.ua» «10дней»,  «М-клуб», Фотомагазин  (Москва), «Геосфера», «Комсомольская правда», «Собеседник», «Каприз», «ШО», «Коммерсант», «Экономические известия», «Афиша», «Международный туризм», «Крымская Ривьера», «Крым», «Ковчег-Крым»  и т.д.

Сотрудничает с ведущими украинскими компаниями: КВК (Союз-Виктан), Коктебель, Nemiroff, ОлимпикPark и т.д.

Ряд фотосессий  для туристических изданий СНГ: Сирия (2007), Турция (2003, 2007), Тунис (2006), Словакия (2004, 2006), Израиль (1994, 2004),Египет (1994, 2001),Чехия (1999),США, Карибские острова (2005), Италия (2005), Испания (2007), Доминикано (2008), Франция (1999, 2008, 2011), Греция (2010).

Организатор и участник более 105 фото, видеопроектов на Украине и за рубежом

(Россия, Германия,  Великобритания, Польша, Италия, Словакия).


Участник трех Киевских фото-биенале (2003, 2005, 2007),  месяца фотографии в Братиславе (2009), Севастопольский фестиваль «Война и мир» (2010) , биенале современного искусства, г.Кельн (2010)

Первая фотовыставка «Дальше, дальше, дальше…» (г. Симферополь, 1988)  была закрыта по указанию Крымского обкома партии как антисоветская.

Персональные выставки:


2012г. «Грабли», Я Галерея, г.Днепропетровск

2011г. «Rape culture»(Культура насилия),  галерея "Дзиґа", г.Львов

2010г. «Громкоговоритель: Тактиль, Архитип и гамма Голос» ( при участии Павла Макова и Нины Мурашкиной), галерея «Ягалерея», г.Киев

2009г. «Люди в красном», галерея РА, г. Киев,  ARTVILNIUS 09, г. Вильнюс, ГогольFEST 09, г. Киев

2008г. «Тьматаракань», галерея «Ягалерея», г.Киев

2007г. «Солянка», Художественный музей, г. Энергодар

2006г.  «Не опубликованное», галерея «РА», г. Киев

1991г. « Сурдоперевод», Краеведческий музей, г. Симферополь


Идейный вдохновитель и активный участник творческих групп и объединений: «КаБул», «Братья Гримм», «им. Джордано Бруно», «Квас» и «Скиф».                                                                                                                              Основные выставки:

Группа «Скиф» (Кадников А. и Шематас А.):

2009г. «Трение Времени» , музей Тавриды, г.Симферополь.

2010г. «ША!» музей Тавриды, г.Симферополь.



Группа «КаБул» ( Кадников А. и Булычев В.):

1999г. «Апокриф», галерея КЭП, г. Симферополь                                                                       

«Alter Ego» -анти-выставка в журнале «Наш», г. Днепропетровск                                                                        2000г.  «Живот» и «Условный рефлекс», галерея КЭП, г Симферополь                                                              2001г. «Корм-I» Русский Пен-клуб, г. Москва и «Корм-II» музей Чехова, г. Москва                                         2003г.  «Собачий вальс», галерея «РА», г. Киев

Группа «Квас» (Кадников А. и Васильев С.):

 2007г. «Сон разума породил», галерея «РА», г. Киев                                                                                                                                                                                             

Выпустил три персональных фотоальбома: «The best of Крым»2006г., «Ошейник»2006г,    «Окомiр» (Глазомер) 2008г.

Автор фотографий к ста книгам.

Имена, под которыми прятался и публиковался в разное время Александр Кадников,

чтобы его было проще найти:

александр штык

александр культуроедов

александр выжигатель

александр обскур,

александр вход,

александр сон,

александр страж,

александр врач,

александр глаз,

александр виноград-Таврический,

александр кефир,

александр новый командир,

александр летчик,

александр стеклорез,

саша самокат,

саша ДОСААФ,

саша сердцеед,

саша самовар,

саша самогон,

саша самолет,

саша глянцеватель,

саша масскульт,

саша летающий,

саша лев толстой,

саша всеяд,

человек очень кроткий,

человек, выступающий против всех ядовитых трав,

человек, у которого устали крылья,

человек, терпеливо ждущий окончания зимы и конца света,

человек, из двух зол, выбирающий осеннее дуновение ветра,

смеющийся человек,

личность, которую не запугают ни дождь, ни старость, ни тьма, ни свет,

чувствительный фотограф, 

поэт ОМУ,

александр александров и т.д. 

Дата публикации: 16.04.2012
Добавил: ava  oxana.sher
Просмотров: 1728
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shutdown | 25.09.2022, 10:46 #
Anti-government protests continued for an  shutdown88 eight straight night on Friday, while pro-regime rallies also took place in Tehran and other cities.

shutdown | 08.10.2022, 09:24 #

By Laura Bicker in North-east Thailand & Frances Mao in SingaporeDuangphan Patphaothanun isshutdown88 
wandering outside a childcare centre, clutching a bag full of toys.
shutdown | 16.10.2022, 14:15 #
At least 28 people have died and dozens remain trapped shutdown88  underground after an explosion in a coal mine in northern Turkey's Bartin province.
 shutdown168 | 25.04.2023, 07:48 #
Australia will speed slot auto wallet  up efforts to buy longer  คาสิโนออนไลน์ range missiles to counter the growing threat from China, a major  สล็อตแตกง่าย 168 defence review says.
It warns the country  บาคาร่า168 can no longer be protected  เกมตกปลา by its geographic isolation in  สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี the "missile age".The Defence Strategic  แทงบอลauto Review (DSR) comes amid increasing  168.com regional tension over China's stance towards Taiwan, which it has repeatedly vowed to take by force if necessary.
 shutdown168 | 30.04.2023, 09:24 #
Russia has launched pg slot168
a wave of air strikes against cities คาสิโนสด
across Ukraine, including คาสิโนออนไลน์ Kyiv, leaving at least 13 people dead.
Eleven people including บาคาร่า168 vip
a child were killed in an เกมยิงปลา
attack that hit a block of flats in the central สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี  city of Uman, officials said.
And a woman and her แทงบอลauto
three-year-old daughter were killed in the สล็อตแตกง่าย 168  city of Dnipro, according to the local mayor.

 shutdown168 | 03.05.2023, 09:43 #
Lawmakers slot auto walletare introducing Japan's first laws against slot168 ทางเข้า taking sexually exploitative photos คาสิโนออนไลน์or videos of others without consent.
The bill against บาคาร่า168"photo voyeurism" would prohibit acts เกมยิงปลา such as upskirting and secret filming สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี of sexual acts.
Until now, such criminal cases แทงบอลauto had to be prosecuted under local สล็อตแตกง่าย 168 prefecture laws, which greatly vary in scope.
 ฺBTMakehome | 05.05.2023, 15:24 #
Vietnam has strongly protested against  สร้างบ้านราคาถูก

 shutdown168 | 14.05.2023, 10:14 #
Voting has begun 168com
in Thailand's general election, where สล็อต168
the daughter of ousted former prime
minister Thaksin Shinawatra is the frontrunner.
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described as a turning point for a เกมยิงปลา
country that has experienced a สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี

dozen military coups in its recent history.
Prime Minister Prayuth แทงบอลauto

Chan-ocha, the army general who led สล็อตแตกง่าย 168
[/url]the last coup in 2014, is seeking another term.

 BTmakehome | 15.05.2023, 10:07 #
About half a million people are being evacuated to safer areas in south-eastern Bangladesh, ahead of a cyclone that could be extremely dangerous. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 16.05.2023, 05:52 #
About half a million people are being evacuated to safer areas in south-eastern Bangladesh, ahead of a cyclone that could be extremely dangerous. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT | 16.05.2023, 05:52 #
About half a million people are being evacuated to safer areas in south-eastern Bangladesh, ahead of a cyclone that could be extremely dangerous. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT | 17.05.2023, 06:15 #
Move Forward and its supporters held their victory rally next to the art deco edifice known as Democracy Monument.<a href="https://www.facebook.com/BTmakehome">รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่</a>
 BT | 17.05.2023, 06:17 #
There could only be one place for Thailand's youngest and most progressive party to celebrate its astonishing success in the election. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 18.05.2023, 05:15 #
There could only be one place for Thailand's youngest and most progressive party to celebrate its astonishing success in the election. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT | 21.05.2023, 09:23 #
Asked on Sunday whether Ukraine had control of the eastern Ukrainian city, Mr Zelensky said: "I think not."รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 shutdown168 | 21.05.2023, 09:29 #

A group of primary school รูเล็ต 
children has suffered traumatic, "life-changing" injuries สาวถ้ำ 
after a horrific bus crash in Melbourne, Sexy Gaming 
The bus was carrying คาสิโนสด  45 students when police say it   slot168  was hit by a truck from behind and rolled on Tuesday คาสิโนออนไลน์ afternoon.
Some 18 children - aged 5 to 11 - were rushed toบาคาร่า168 vip hospital, many for emergency surgery. One remains in intensive เกมยิงปลา care.
The truck driver has been charged สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี  with dangerous driving causing serious injury.
Australia แทงบอลauto has a below-average road safety record compared to other advanced economies. It สล็อตแตกง่าย 168 ranks 20th of out of 36 OECD countries for road fatalities.
 BT | 22.05.2023, 12:35 #
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky appears to have confirmed that Russia has won the long-running and bloody battle for the city of Bakhmut.รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT | 23.05.2023, 06:48 #
Asked on Sunday whether Ukraine had control of the eastern Ukrainian city, Mr Zelensky said: "I think not."รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 24.05.2023, 09:44 #
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky appears to have confirmed that Russia has won the long-running and bloody battle for the city of Bakhmut.รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT | 25.05.2023, 05:55 #
oo Miami said it was "deeply sorry" about the incident, which occurred during a paid animal encounter between the kiwi and zoo guests."รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT | 26.05.2023, 08:02 #
Ron DeSantis's long-awaited entry into the 2024 race for the White House was hit by technical glitches after a Twitter livestream malfunctioned. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT | 27.05.2023, 06:13 #
A noodle vendor in Vietnam who parodied one of the country's most powerful ministers has been jailed for five-and-a half years for anti-state propaganda.     รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 shutdown168 | 28.05.2023, 10:09 #
A group of primary school รูเล็ต 
children has suffered traumatic, "life-changing" injuries สาวถ้ำ 
after a horrific bus crash in Melbourne, Sexy Gaming 
The bus was carrying คาสิโนสด  45 students when police say it   slot168  was hit by a truck from behind and rolled on Tuesday คาสิโนออนไลน์ afternoon.
Some 18 children - aged 5 to 11 - were rushed to บาคาร่า168 vip hospital, many for emergency surgery. One remains in intensive เกมยิงปลา care.
The truck driver has been charged สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี  with dangerous driving causing serious injury.
Australia แทงบอลauto has a below-average road safety record compared to other advanced economies. It สล็อตแตกง่าย 168 ranks 20th of out of 36 OECD countries for road fatalities.

 BT | 31.05.2023, 14:49 #
The possibility the Covid virus leaked from a laboratory should not be ruled out, a former top Chinese government scientist has told BBC News.  สร้างบ้านราคาถูก 
 BT | 02.06.2023, 08:52 #
After several failed attempts to delay her time behind bars, Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is set to report to federal prison this week. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT | 03.06.2023, 09:53 #
On Thursday, a judge calmly delivered an extraordinary ruling that will go down in Australian history. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 04.06.2023, 05:04 #
The Vatican has announced that it has accepted the resignation of an Indian bishop accused of raping a nun between 2014 and 2016. สร้างบ้านราคาถูก 
 BT | 05.06.2023, 11:25 #
TPeople found guilty over a deadly rail accident in eastern India will be "punished stringently", the country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said.
 BT | 06.06.2023, 11:15 #
A devastating crash involving three trains in the eastern Indian state of Odisha has killed 288 people and left hundreds injured, many of them seriously. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 07.06.2023, 09:28 #
Left-wing protesters and police have clashed for a second night over a jail term given to a woman convicted of vigilante attacks on neo-Nazis.สร้างบ้านราคาถูก 
 BT | 08.06.2023, 12:11 #
According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials, bears know how to open car doors and they will if there is food inside.
 BT | 09.06.2023, 07:36 #
Air India is set to send a replacement plane to ferry stranded passengers from a US-bound flight after its plane made an emergency landing in Russia. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 10.06.2023, 09:30 #
China wants to restrict the use of mobile file-sharing services such as AirDrop and Bluetooth in a move that will expand its censorship machine.  รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT | 12.06.2023, 10:06 #
Just before reaching the summit of Mount Everest, Australian engineer Jason Kennison told his mum in a FaceTime call that he would see her when he got back. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT | 13.06.2023, 11:13 #
The Indian health ministry has denied reports of a major leak of personal data from its Covid vaccination database. สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 14.06.2023, 10:23 #
Regulators in the US have asked a judge to block Microsoft from completing its $69bn (£56bn) purchase of Call of Duty publisher Activision Blizzard. BTmakehome 
 BT MAKEHOME | 15.06.2023, 08:41 #
Croatia are one win from their first major title after beating hosts the Netherlands in a dramatic Uefa Nations League semi-final. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 16.06.2023, 10:55 #
At least 79 people have died and more than 100 have been rescued after their fishing boat sank off southern Greece. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 17.06.2023, 04:19 #
Taiwan is being rocked by a wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations - sparked by a Netflix show which many say has ignited a local MeToo movement. สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 19.06.2023, 10:19 #
The family of a British child who disappeared in Australia 53 years ago have written to the New South Wales attorney general urging him to re-examine the case. BTmakehome 
 BT MAKEHOME | 20.06.2023, 08:29 #
The US and China have pledged to stabilise their tense relationship following US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's two-day visit to Beijing. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 21.06.2023, 08:29 #
Real Madrid have signed Spain international Joselu on a season-long loan from Espanyol, with an option to buy at the end of the season. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 22.06.2023, 12:51 #
Two weeks since the counter-offensive began, Ukraine is making modest but steady progress in three areas of attack across the 1,000km (620 mile) front line. สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 23.06.2023, 10:13 #
In 2019, Pann Pann started her first job - maintaining medical records - at a government-run hospital in Myanmar's southern Bago city. She aspired to be the hospital's chief records officer. BTmakehome 
 BT MAKEHOME | 24.06.2023, 07:57 #
In 2019, Pann Pann started her first job - maintaining medical records - at a government-run hospital in Myanmar's southern Bago city. She aspired to be the hospital's chief records officer. รับสร้างบ้าน ราคาถูก 
 BT MAKEHOME | 26.06.2023, 09:25 #
TGreece did not respond to an offer to send a plane to monitor a migrant boat that later sank with huge loss of life, EU border officials say. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 27.06.2023, 11:23 #
There was a high turnout, with voters telling the BBC the process was smooth despite ballots opening hours late in many areas.  รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 28.06.2023, 10:29 #
The Russian president even accused his former ally of treason, embarking on an armed rebellion and "a stab in the back of our country". สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 29.06.2023, 06:52 #
Investigators in Canada have boarded the support ship used to launch the Titan submersible in their bid to understand what caused the vessel's catastrophic implosion. BTmakehome 
 BT MAKEHOME | 30.06.2023, 09:17 #
The six-year-old wolf-husky canine, and her owner Toby Heaps, are running on the promise to "Stop the Salt Assault" on city roads during the winter. รับสร้างบ้าน ราคาถูก
 BT MAKEHOME | 01.07.2023, 11:11 #
Russia's president has said members of the Wagner mercenary group were fully funded by the state. บ้านเชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 03.07.2023, 10:20 #
Prosecutors have begun piecing together what happened before the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Nahel M by a police officer.  รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 04.07.2023, 11:36 #
It tells the true story of Hachiko, the faithful dog that continued to wait for its master at a train station in Japan long after his death.  รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 05.07.2023, 09:16 #
The Ukraine war is having a "corrosive" effect on Vladimir Putin's leadership of Russia, according to the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 06.07.2023, 08:34 #
Twitter has applied a temporary limit to the number of tweets users can read in a day, owner Elon Musk has said.  BTmakehome 
 BT MAKEHOME | 07.07.2023, 10:31 #
Shell is still trading Russian gas more than a year after pledging to withdraw from the Russian energy market. รับสร้างบ้านราคาถูก 
 BT MAKEHOME | 08.07.2023, 10:19 #
Russia's president has said members of the Wagner mercenary group were fully funded by the state. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 17.07.2023, 10:41 #
Rescuers working to reach cars trapped in a flooded tunnel near the South Korean city of Cheongiu have recovered nine bodies.  รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 18.07.2023, 10:07 #
Southern Europe will continue to swelter next week as an intense heatwave shows no sign of abating. รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 19.07.2023, 10:30 #
Thousands of residents of La Palma in the Canary Islands have been urged to leave their homes as emergency workers try to bring a wildfire under control.   สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 20.07.2023, 13:53 #
Parts of the US are expected to see record temperatures on Sunday, with warnings of "dangerous" heat levels into next week across the south-west. BTmakehome
 BT MAKEHOME | 21.07.2023, 09:54 #
As John Kerry touches down in China, the main question will be whether the world's biggest superpowers - and polluters - can dispel diplomatic tensions to focus on key climate goals. รับสร้างบ้านราคาถูก
 BT MAKEHOME | 24.07.2023, 06:31 #
Voting is under way in Cambodia, where the country's long-term leader is virtually certain to extend his party's rule in an election where there are no serious challengers.  รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 25.07.2023, 07:46 #
At least one person has been killed and 19 more injured in fresh Russian missile strikes on the port city of Odesa, officials have said.  รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 26.07.2023, 11:21 #
A mercenary who took part in the attempted mutiny against Russian President Vladimir Putin says he and his fellow fighters "didn't have a clue" what was going on.  รับสร้างบ้านราคาถูก
 BT MAKEHOME | 27.07.2023, 08:43 #
Parts of the US are expected to see record temperatures on Sunday, with warnings of "dangerous" heat levels into next week across the south-west. BTmakehome
 BT MAKEHOME | 28.07.2023, 11:00 #
Spaniards are going to the polls in a general election that offers a choice of two starkly contrasting visions. บ้านสไตล์นอร์ดิก เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 29.07.2023, 07:54 #
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had emergency surgery to fit a pacemaker, after being taken to hospital on Saturday night. สร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 31.07.2023, 10:35 #
Ukrainian forces are trying to retake the city of Bakhmut in the country's east. The BBC was given exclusive access to a team of elite snipers, referred to as "the Ghosts of Bakhmut"  รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 01.08.2023, 03:44 #
India's Supreme Court is set to hear a number of petitions related to ethnic violence in the north-eastern state of Manipur, including one from two women who were seen in a video that sparked outrage.  รับสร้างบ้านราคาถูก
 BT MAKEHOME | 02.08.2023, 12:34 #
China is pressuring Uyghurs living abroad to spy on human rights campaigners by threatening families back home, researchers say. Refugees and activists tell the BBC intimidating tactics are tearing communities apart.    รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 04.08.2023, 12:18 #
The Philippines has bowed out of the Women's World Cup after a euphoric campaign that united a country where football is not the national sport.
สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 05.08.2023, 09:54 #
A constable with India's Railway Protection Force (RPF) has been arrested after he shot dead four people on a train near the city of Mumbai. สร้างบ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 06.08.2023, 03:30 #
Italy made an "improvised and atrocious" decision in joining China's Belt and Road (BRI) initiative, defence minister Guido Crosetto has said.  บริษัทรับสร้างบ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 07.08.2023, 10:53 #
At least 30 people have been killed and 100 injured when a train derailed in southern Pakistan, a police spokesman has confirmed.  รับสร้างบ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BT MAKEHOME | 08.08.2023, 08:26 #
Storms bearing unusually torrential rain and ferocious winds this early in the north Pacific typhoon season have flooded large swathes of East Asia, with China among the countries worst hit.  สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 09.08.2023, 08:22 #
A Russian "guided bomb" has hit a blood transfusion centre in north-eastern Ukraine, killing two people and injuring four, Ukrainian officials say.  รับสร้างบ้านราคาถูก
 BT MAKEHOME | 10.08.2023, 13:29 #
Reigning champions the USA are out of the Women's World Cup after being stunned by Sweden on penalties on a night of incredible drama in Melbourne.
 shutdown | 10.08.2023, 16:11 #

Thousands of scouts at  an international  Shutdown123
event in South Korea are being evacuated from a campsite  รวมค่ายฮิต
due to an incoming typhoon. Several countries   เทคนิคเสี่ยงโชค
including the UK had already left, blaming high temperatures and poor sanitary  รับโบนัส
conditions at the camp.
 shutdown | 10.08.2023, 16:12 #

Thousands of scouts at  an international  Shutdown123
event in South Korea are being evacuated from a campsite  รวมค่ายฮิต
due to an incoming typhoon. Several countries   เทคนิคเสี่ยงโชค
including the UK had already left, blaming high temperatures and poor sanitary  รับโบนัส
conditions at the camp.
 BT MAKEHOME | 17.08.2023, 13:28 #
China has called Taiwan's vice president William Lai a "troublemaker" for his ongoing visit to the US. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 17.08.2023, 13:29 #
China has called Taiwan's vice president William Lai a "troublemaker" for his ongoing visit to the US. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ 
 BT MAKEHOME | 22.08.2023, 08:57 #
Whenever nine-year-old Miyu Ananthamaya Pranoto stomps her white sneakers on the dance floor, crowds jostle for the best view of her freestyle and breakdance moves.  รับ สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่
 BTMAKEHOME | 03.10.2023, 09:42 #
With gleaming red eyes, bone-chilling howls, and bared fangs, animals scatter for cover at the sight of this beast. But this is no ordinary wolf, or even a real one for that matter. รับสร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ 
 shutdown168 | 03.10.2023, 14:37 #
North Korea says วิธีแทงบอลออนไลน์  it will deport US soldier Travis King, who ran across 123บาคาร่า the border from South Korea during a tour in July.
Pyongyang สล็อตคืออะไร will deport him having finished its investigation หวยยี่กี into King's "illegal" entry, state news Shutdown123  agency KNCA said.

 BTmakehome | 07.11.2023, 11:31 #
Israel has urged Russia บริษัทรับสร้างบ้าน       to protect "all its citizens and all Jews" สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่        after a large mob shouting antisemitic slogans stormed a  สร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ บริษัทไหนดี   Dagestan airport.
 shutdown168 | 24.11.2023, 07:48 #
A whistleblower who sexygaming helped expose allegations of Australian war เว็บบาคาร่า อันดับ1 crimes in Afghanistan has pleaded guilty to เว็บ123สล็อต leaking classified information.
David McBride was due to face trial next week, but changed เว็บ123 his plea after a legal ruling scuppered his defence.

 BT MAKEHOME | 22.12.2023, 13:58 #
A woman in Australia has been บริษัทสถาปนิก เชียงใหม่   charged with stealing a delivery van packed with 10,000 Krispy Kreme สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่   doughnuts.
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